Business Consulting

Always Done It This Way…

Sometimes, simple answers provide clues to areas of improvement. How often have you asked employees or colleagues why they performed a function in a specific way only to be told that they had always done it that way? In other words, they were performing tasks in a certain way then because they had always done

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Why Ask Why

Why is the most powerful question in business. Why questions allow questioners to get to the root causes of actions and behaviors. In managing, in coaching, in selling, in negotiating, in re-engineering, in successes and failures, identify the Why and learn from it. Learn so that you can do better. Learn so that you can

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What Is NPS and Should I Use It?

A measure of customer loyalty Net Promoter Score and yes, businesses should use it. NPS, Net Promoter Score, is a measure of customer loyalty. Companies use it to measure customer satisfaction with their performance, as well as with their products, services, brand, key departments, or even internally with their employees. NPS has become very popular

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