Business Consulting

Recruiting Firms Can Build or Hurt Your Company’s Brand

Recruiters as brand ambassadors If you are an employer using an outsourced recruiting model, consider how that partnership could hurt or enhance your company’s brand and impact your ability to hire and retain top talent now and in the future. While performing candidate searches on your behalf, recruiters connect with possible future employees of your

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Customer Service: Expense or Investment?

While touting their commitment to customer service, many companies have actually pared their customer service staffing recently and are now using artificial intelligence to assess how far they can stretch, yes stretch, their customers’ patience without loosing them. Some companies informally refer to this threshold as the “break point”.  From physical wait lines, to wait

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Observations: Omnichannel Inventory Improvement

I was visiting a big box retailer with my daughter to purchase a new board game. The company is publicly traded with a large, multi-billion-dollars market capitalization. We had checked online and they were supposed to have the game in stock, but we could not find it. After a while, we asked for help and

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Corporate Culture Markers

How do your employees respond when the decisions that they need to make, either internally or externally, are not guided by their employee manuals and their managers are not around? Identify those behaviors and you will see the direct influence of your corporate culture, and appreciate its importance. Do you want to proactively drive your

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7 Rules to Effective Business Meetings

Effective business meetings will allow you to optimize your productivity and that of your colleagues and improve the quality and timing of the group’s decisions. Following basic meeting rules will significantly improve meeting performance, yes, performance. Focus, candor, respect, discipline, and communications are the key ingredients. Let’s review these seven rules: 1. Schedule meetings only

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