Business Consulting

Know and Manage the Peter Principle

The Peter Principle definition The Peter Principle is a management concept which observes that, in a hierarchical organization, employees tend to be promoted from position to position based on their success in their previous role, until they reach a position at which they are no longer competent. At that point, they typically stop being promoted

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What is Occam’s Razor

Is it Ockham or Occam? In philosophy, a razor is a principle that allows one to eliminate, or shave away, unlikely explanations to a logical problem, thus avoiding unnecessary actions. Occam’s razor, also spelled Ockham’s razor or Ocham’s razor, is a problem-solving principle according to which, when presented with competing theories as possible solutions to

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Applying the Broken Window Theory in Business

The origin In 1982, James Q. Wilson, an American political scientist and professor at UCLA and Harvard University, and George Kelling, an American criminologist and professor at Rutgers University, published a research article in the Atlantic titled Broken Windows – The Police and Neighborhood Safety. In it, they reported their observations that disorder and crime

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The Pareto Principle – 80/20 Rule

A universal rule The Pareto Principle, or Pareto Rule, or 80/20 Rule asserts that, in any situation, approximately 80% of the results are generated by 20% of the activities. Or, in other words 80% of effects are generated by 20% of causes. The Pareto Principle gets its name from Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian sociologist and

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Why Companies Must Improve Customer-Facing Functions

Companies know that improving their brand image must include investments in customized customer-centric strategies. Though that realization is welcome, a critical driver of positive brand image is still overlooked: Customers’ perceptions of a company are heavily driven by the quality of their interactions with the customer-facing functions of that company. Customers engage with brands through

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