Business Consulting

Capability Maturity Model Integration

Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) is a process excellence framework. It helps organizations improve and manage operations to achieve efficient, repeatable, and predictable output. What is Capability Maturation Model Integration The model was initially developed in 1987 as the Capability Maturity Model (CMM) by Carnegie Mellon University’s Software Institute, in partnership with the US Government.

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Bell Curve Statistics

The Bell Curve graph is a powerful way to render a symmetrical depiction of a probability distribution. The data used relies on statistics, a fascinating part of mathematics. Statistical analysis is used to calculate the distribution of a particular event and calculations provide the probability of such event. Probability Distribution Concepts Let us assume that

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Why Are You Missing Your Sales Goals?

Your sales volume is off-target and going in the wrong direction. Are you asking the right questions to reverse the trend? Few topics have been covered as often, and by as many experts, as sales performance and, yet, many executives are challenged when their sales teams underperform. Troubleshooting the sales process Your sales team didn’t

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What Does Your CLTV CAC Ratio Tell You?

Most businesses that have hired business consulting services firms believe that business consulting professionals’ focus on business metrics sometimes borders obsession. They may be right. One such obsession at Proton Consulting Group is the ratio of the Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) and Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC). Although this ratio was initially used chiefly amongst Software-As-A-Service

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Structure Your Board of Directors for Effectiveness

The Board of Directors, or BOD, is a governing body comprised of a group of individuals elected to represent a company’s shareholders. Every public company must have one. Many private companies, including most of those with external funding, do as well. The BOD represents both the management of the company and the shareholders’ interests. Members

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