Business Quotes by Ken Blanchard

We love quotes, especially the business kind, so we share some of our favorite ones here.
We hope that you enjoy these...

“A clear purpose will unite you as you move forward, values will guide your behavior, and goals will focus your energy.”

“An effective leader must step back, look at the big picture, and make sure the important things are not being pushed out of the way by the seemingly urgent needs of the moment.”

“An effective leader will make it a priority to help his or her people produce good results in two ways: making sure people know what their goals are and doing everything possible to support, encourage, and coach them to accomplish those goals. Your role as a leader is even more important than you might imagine. You have the power to help people become winners.”

“Anytime you use your influence to affect the thoughts and actions of others, you are engaging in leadership.”

“As a collaborative leader, you support people in their work – you remove roadblocks and help them win.”

“Catching people doing things right provides satisfaction and motivates good performance. But remember, give praise immediately, make it specific, and finally, encourage people to keep up the good work.”

“Disagreement can actually be healthy as long as we’re dealing with conflicting ideas, not conflicting people.”

“Don’t get a big head when you win or get too down in the dumps when you lose. Keep things in perspective. Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal.”

“Empowerment means that people have the freedom to act. It also means that they are accountable for results.”

“Everyone knows that not all change is good or even necessary. But in a world that is constantly changing, it is to our advantage to learn how to adapt and enjoy something better.”

“Feedback is important to people. We all want to know how well we’re doing. That’s why it is essential for an effective performance review system to provide ongoing feedback.”

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”

“Focusing on the negative often creates situations that demoralize people. When good performance is followed by a positive response, people naturally want to continue that behavior.”

“Goals begin behaviors, consequences maintain them.”

“Help people reach their full potential. Catch them doing something right. “

“How can you be an effective manager unless you and your team are clear about goals and what good performance looks like?”

“I firmly believe that providing feedback is the most cost-effective strategy for improving performance and instilling satisfaction. It can be done quickly, it costs nothing, and it can turn people around fast.”

“If you can´t tell me what you’d like to be happening, you don’t have a problem yet. You’re just complaining. A problem only exists if there is a difference between what is actually happening and what you desire to be happening.”

“If you want to know why your people are not performing well, step up to the mirror and take a peek.”

“It’s unfair to be hard on yourself the first time you attempt something new. It is also unfair to expect others to meet such an unrealistic expectation.”

“Knowing where you’re going is the first step to get there.”

“Leaders empower individuals by building trust and coaching competence in their job roles and networking skills.”

“Leadership is not about power. It’s not about control. It’s about helping people live according to the vision.”

“Making the development of people an equal partner with performance is a decision you make.”

“None of us is as smart as all of us.”

“Once leaders embrace the role of coach, they realize the weight of leadership is now balanced between themselves and their direct reports.”

“One of the biggest obstacles to high performance in organizations comes from unclear expectations and accountability.”

“One of the things great leaders do is establish, articulate, model, and enforce core values.”

“People who feel good about themselves produce good results.”

“Remember, the best leaders are those who understand that their power flows through them, not from them.”

“Some of the greatest advances happen when people are bold enough to speak their truth and listen to others speak theirs.”

“Take a minute: look at your goals, look at your performance, see if your behavior matches your goals.”

“The best minute you spend is the one you invest in people.”

“The best way to teach people is by telling a story.”

“The key to successful leadership is influence, not authority.”

“The more attention you pay to a behavior, the more it will be repeated. Accentuating the positive and redirecting the negative are the best tools for increasing productivity.”

“The people who work with you as their manager will look to you as one of their sources of wisdom.”

“The void created by the failure to communicate is soon filled with poison, drivel, and misrepresentation.”

“There is a lot of competition out there. If you don’t take care of your customers, somebody else is ready to take your place.”

“There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses – only results. “

“To learn from the past is good, but to live there is a waste. To plan for the future is good, but to live there is a waste. You are happiest and most productive in life when you are living in the present.”

“Trying is just a noisy way of not doing something.”

“Unexpressed good thoughts aren’t worth squat!”

“We are not just our behavior. We are the person managing our behavior.”

“We can’t always control what happens in our lives – things will go well, things will go poorly – but what we can control is our response to those events.”

“What you resist, persists. Until you deal with your feelings, you will be stuck with them.”

“When people become defensive, they don’t learn.”

“When people don’t know what’s going on, it’s human nature for them to imagine a version that’s ten times worse than the truth!”

“When you judge someone, it impairs your ability to see him or her clearly, as if a filter is screening out everything about that person except what fits your assessment.”

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