Business Process Management Services

We help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work, dramatically improve operational performance, optimize all service functions, and become world-class competitors.

End-to-end view and applicability

From the time a prospective customer is first contacted by your company, to the time the prospect becomes a customer, and through the customer lifecycle, your company follows sets of functions and tasks to complete each transaction. Business Process Management (BPM) is the practice that improves all these processes. You might know it as business process re-engineering, business process redesign, business transformation, or business process change management.

BPM considers all business activities of a company. While improving single functions might satisfy short-term needs, it rarely leads to sustained optimization. BPM is a systemic review and management of all your company’s actions and workflows.

BPM allows you to identify and fix constraints in your workflow, thus improving your throughput, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

BPM is not limited to the company’s internal process. It is applicable to how companies engage customers, vendors, employees, and partners. It focuses on the organization’s overall process. 

Expert practice

BPM is a practice. It is performed by specialists who consider optimization within the context of a complete business process and its effect on the entire end-to-end process. 

Proton Consulting Group’s experts are experienced in BPM, ensuring that your company’s process is connected to your company’s mission and delivering an efficient and effective replacement process.

Generally, a BPM engagement includes the following steps:

  • Capture and report existing workflows, functions, and tasks,
  • Identify success metrics,
  • Measure current performance metrics of functions and tasks and map current responsible parties,
  • Identify and remove functions or tasks that don’t add value to the company,
  • Envision, redesign, and define the entire new process,
  • Measure future state performance, considering the metrics of the entire system when evaluating each specific process,
  • Automate, identifying software solutions to facilitate consistent and efficient execution of processes,
  • Initiate the change,
  • Control to ensure the functionality and performance against expectations.

End-to-end benefits

A sound BPM will provide your customers, employees, and partners with a better experience with your organization, including faster, better transactions.

Only through a sound and optimized business process management, can your company ensure that its customers’ experience is repeatable, measurable, and predictable.

Enterprise companies pay millions of dollars to improve operations and competitiveness because they understand the value to their organizations and value the return on their investment, but all organizations, large and small, commercial and non-profit, private or public, and all governmental institutions will benefit greatly from a sound BPM process.

BPM will make you more competitive, more efficient, more effective.

Have any questions or ready to get started, contact Proton Consulting Group today!

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